Weekend Report
Weekend Report Provided by the OEW Group December 7, 2019 SPX closed last
week at 3141 after making a new high at 3154 into the Thanksgiving holiday.
Jasa Press Release Publikasi Media Online Nasional
Anda sedang membutuhkan jasa press release Indonesia, jasa rilis media
nasional, cara diliput media online, jasa publikasi media online indonesia,
media ...
"Magno Arms" What Does It Indicate? Nothing Good
As an affiliate of Elliott Wave International I'll be promoting the
following all week:
EWI has given me the OK to share Bob Prechter's April ...
Nightly Algo Report – December 6, 2018
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The post Nightly Algo Report – December 6, 2018 appeared first on
Bullish Breakouts and Trend Continuity in 2017
In the heat of battle, it’s often helpful to raise your perspective to
higher ground. That’s what we’re doing here with the clear price patterns
and breako...
Trusting your Intuition in Financial Markets
I think the world has gone way too far in shutting down intuition when it
comes to investing. Everything is passive and disconnected. We all […]
Membangun Kepercayaan
Membangun sebuah kepercayaan bukanlah hal yang mudah bagi setiap orang
dalam menjalani hubungan sosial. Ada yang mengatakan kepercayaan bagaikan
sebuah ker...
Harmonic Vibrations
W.D. Gann used sacred geometry, harmonic ratios and other esoteric methods
in his analysis of markets. One such study was known as the 'squaring of
price a...
May 1
Crazy up and down market the last few weeks. 60-min system back on a sell.
The short-term VIX divergence observed in the last post is met with even
more di...